Our 312 solar PV systems have been generating electricity for Cannock Chase Council tenants since 2015.

Welcome to Chase Community Solar
We are a community benefit society and in 2015 we raised over £1 million, through a community share offer and loan, so that, with the support of Cannock Chase Council, we could have 314 of their council bungalows fitted with solar panels.

Case Studies
Meet some of the tenants benefitting from having PV solar panels installed on their council-owned bungalows, and also some of the people who have invested in our community energy scheme.

How it works
CCS is composed of its members, who are shareholders in the society, having invested in the Cannock Chase project. There are around 200 of them.
Helping council tenants
“Our tenants have been badly hit by rises in energy prices in recent years and through this project we can give many of them an opportunity to reduce their energy bills by getting free electricity when the sun is shining.”
At least £150 saving
“You do worry about the bills when you’re both not working. But with the panels now I don’t have to sit here constantly thinking that we should turn everything off. We’ve saved over a third of our electricity bill – at least £150 – it’s amazing and we’ve got a bit more money to spend on the grandchildren now. I thoroughly recommend it to others.”